Resources to Help You Grow
Turf Resources
Resource Title | Description | File |
Mycorrhizal Fungi Can Reduce the Effects of Drought on Plants | Drought is a major problem, especially in the arid Southern environments. The sporadic rainfall, and increasingly strict watering regulations, can be extremely detrimental to the health of your lawn. You can help to buffer your lawn against this, as well as reduce your lawn’s overall watering needs, by using mycorrhizal inoculants, which help your turf to more efficiently absorb water and nutrients by increasing the effective root zone. You can also view a full line of turf-specific mycorrhizal products at Sustainable Landscape Supply. |
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Nematode Management in Residential Lawns | Nematodes are un-segmented roundworms. Nematodes which live in the ground are very small, and generally can only be seen through a microscope. They damage grass by consuming their root system, making the plant less able to absorb water and nutrients. Infestation can usually be characterized by irregular patches of declining grass which can often be mistaken for “hot spots” or patchy areas of drought. The appearance of Sedge, a weed, can also signal a nematode infestation. Proper soil core sampling must be done to conclusively assess a nematode infestation. |
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Take-All Root Rot of Warm-Season Turf | Although commonly confused with a fungal disease called Brown Patch, Take-all root rot is caused by the fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. graminis. The fungus primarily damages the turf’s roots while the plant is weakened during moist and warm conditions of the early spring and summer. Other contributing factors are high soil pH, soil compaction, improper fertility, improper cutting height, and herbicide injury. Symptoms include irregular patches with yellowing. While there is no product currently available which destroys the fungus, and excessive treatment of any kind can actually strengthen the infestation, control and management with proper nutrient and fertilizer application, and prudent cutting practices can help cull the damage and spread. |
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